I have been hired on as a UI Designer at Spiceworks, a startup company in Austin, Texas. This Thursday I’ll be driving down to start my apartment search, and I start work this Monday.

It should be a pretty good gig. They have just released the public beta version of their free IT management application for small (~25 computer) networks. It’s all done in Rails, but interestingly enough it runs on your local machine. This should open up some interesting UI possibilities given that client/server latency issues are greatly reduced.
I met several of my coworkers during interviews and I am looking forward to working with them and becoming their friend. Several of them are involved in local Rails groups and most if not all of them have been through multiple successful startups.
Anyway, I will be driving down on Thursday, and then aggressively searching for apartments over the weekend. If everything goes well I will be moved in by Sunday. Otherwise I will have to wing it somehow.
Before I head out I’m going up to my hometown of Enid, Oklahoma, to see my grandparents.
I don’t know anyone in the Austin area, so if you’re there and I didn’t realize it please drop me a line.