Time for a couple of updates from the Grant Hutchins camp.
First off, I’ve started a new blog, Grant’s Take,
where I will post my skeptical analysis of articles that I read.
I have no agenda other than the new blog’s motto, “Question everything
you read."
Second off, I just put the finishing touches on the three latest games on my Grant Bowls! page. I have a new personal best!
Last, but not least, I randomly searched my name using Google Suggest today. It turns out that as you type Grant Hutchins, the form autocompletes with “grant hutchins millionaire”. I guess enough people have searched me looking perhaps for the video. E-mail me if you want the link.
The second hit I got was my recent mention in Prism, the American
Society for Engineering Education’s monthly journal. I highly
doubt that being on a has-been television show is some of the biggest
engineering education news for April (especially considering the show
aired the beginnning of February) but who’s counting?
I still don’t have a job but I’m trying several different ways to get
the attention of employers. I haven’t been outright rejected yet,
but I’ve only received one actual offer, not really for a job but
instead for volunteer work to do a new PBS show’s website. I’m
not really sure if doing that would be a horrible waste of my time or a
great resume builder.
Here’s my profile on LinkedIn. Please add me as a contact if you know me or have worked with me in the past.

Grant Hutchins