Hello everyone.
So it’s been awhile since my last update.
No photos today. I’ve taken a lot in these last ten days or so, but those will come later.
I’m back home in Oklahoma now. Nothing much going on here.
In fact, I’ve seen much fewer people than I usually would have since
I’ve gotten back.
Last weekend I stayed with my roommate Dan at his house in Somerville,
Massachusetts. On the days while everyone was working at their
internships, I wandered down Highland Ave. near Davis Square and
snapped a ton of pictures of typical Americana.
While in the Boston area, Dan, Tommy, and I went to the Skellig bar in
Waltham and competed in the trivia contest. We started strong,
but ended with a fairly miserable showing, coming in dead last.
One round left us with zero points earned. Unfortunately we will
be unable to show them what we really are capable of because Dan and I
will have a Mathematical Analysis class in which we will prove the
calculus from scratch on Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30 pm this
semester. What better way to pass the time.
I started and finished Fermat’s Enigma, a book on solving the most
famous mathematical problem of the last few centuries, Fermat’s Last
Theorem. Since then I’ve completed the first four chapters of the
9/11 Commission Report.
The last few nights have seen countless hours spent on trying to get
multiplayer Red Alert, Red Alert 2, Quake II, Quake III, or Warcraft
III working properly. Our best successes have been
cross-platform, ironically.
I will take a picture of my family’s new poker chips for the next post.

Grant Hutchins