Hello everyone. I have several important Grant updates for the last couple days.
Last Tuesday, July 13, 2004, I went to the free Fountains of Wayne
concert at the World Financial Center downtown. The World
Financial Center is right across the street from the World Trade Center
site. I snapped this pic of the new WTC station that opened up
earlier this year:
Anyway I made my way to the back side of the big huge indoor Winter
Garden at the WFC, where all sorts of people started crowding around
the stage outside.
They played a good set and poked a little fun. At one point, the
lead singer changed around some lyrics to Radiation Vibe for old
diehard fans like me to pick up, since parents and kids made up the
majority of the audience due to the newfound recent success of their
latest album. They came out for a double encore, which now marks
the second time I’ve seen them do a double encore, although both times
it seemed like they weren’t planning to.
I was worried I wouldn’t hear “The Biker Song” this time, but they
finally played it in the double encore, so this concert marks the first
time in a while that the band played every song I wanted to hear.
Hmm, well all except “Troubled Times” I guess. The band hails
from New Jersey, and many of their songs deal with places in New Jersey
or New York City, which made the show even better. My favorite
song by them right now, “Sick Day”, takes place on a PATH train from
New Jersey, so after the show I got them to sign my PATH Quick Card,
although they seemed confused at first as to the reference. On
top of that they seemed a little drunk and partially deaf,
The lead singer, Chris Collingwood said that he used to work in this building on the 35th floor (he’s the one on the right):
On Thursday I again tried out for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the
daily version. This time I passed the test and got to the
interview process. They took a Polaroid of me and the interviewer
seemed pretty interested in several things that I had to say, so in
three or four weeks I will know if I am eligible to be on the show.
After that, I met up with Leighton and we went to the lounge of the new
Mandarin Oriental hotel up on the 35th floor. Here was our view
of Central Park:
After that we had lunch at a wonderful restaurant called Eatery with
prices much lower than the quality of the food. After that we
went hotel lobby hopping and ended up at a really posh lobby at W Hotel
in Times Square and the incredible world’s largest lobby at the New
York Marriott Marquis:
Yes, this picture was taken indoors. To give a little
perspective, those are balconies off of each floor which face down into
the atrium. Leighton took a business call, and I relaxed and
almost fell asleep:
After that I returned to the apartment and fell asleep for six
hours. I have ruined my daily schedule entirely, so now I’m going
to go program some more for the software project Tucker and I work on
all the time.

Grant Hutchins