I stayed home all day today. My aunt and uncle and two cousins came over. We ate barbecue then played a lot of ping pong. Today my dad invited me to come along with him to go see the U.S. Open in Tulsa this Tuesday. I was very excited, until I found out it was the golf U.S. Open and not the tennis one. Oh well. Tennis and golf are the only sports I can stand to watch on television, but I don’t think I could watch golf live without going crazy. We also watched the NBA Finals Game 3. We made fun of Shaq and his rap career and the Shaq Fu video game. We also watched Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? and the timeless favorite cable auction. After the relatives left, I retired to my room and downloaded Red Hat Linux, which took a very long time. This day was a little more laid back and relaxing than the rest. So there.

Grant Hutchins @nertzy