Woke up when Jon complained loudly to Jesse not to make meow noises and wake him up. Perhaps I should have told Jon not to make loud complaining noises so as to not wake me up. I went home that morning and looked at the new 1 GHz Compaq we bought cheap from overstock.com It needed a network card, so we bought one at the wondeful CompUSA. Stephanie called and invited us to Eischen’s, a supposedly-really-good chicken joint in Okarche. I was all for it, and eventually Jon, Austin, and I set out. But then Jon got kinda mad when we were following Stephanie’s other friends on the way there and decided to ditch them. We drove by a cool abandoned farm instead. We decided to eat at Del Rancho’s, of all places. I called Veronica and she and Jason came up to visit us. We watched some cable auction. We then ventured to the abandoned farm again. After that we hit Taco Cabana and went to Jon’s, and they left. I decided to go home as well at this time. Another fun day with Veronica and Jason. Veronica then invited us all to the Omniplex for tomorrow.

Grant Hutchins