Today I went to the orthodontist. I checked out OK. Then he took an x-ray of my wisdom teeth to help in removing them. Little did I know (OK, I did know, but I forgot) that I already had one done at the dentist over Spring Break, and that I don’t need them out, at least yet. I hope never to get them out. This is one thing that really bothers me. I know I will evenutally give in, however, no harm done. Afterwards I got an oil change, or as I told Jon and Austin, a “lube job”. They gave me funny looks. We then went to CompUSA and Best Buy to look at Macs. Macs are very cool all of a sudden. They are good for digital video editing, which is why Jon and Jesse both are getting them. We also stopped by Guitar Center and played with synths and drum machines like we always do. Then I got a lime slush and Sonic and went home.
Grant Hutchins