I woke up much earlier than usual, 10:30 AM. Yeah, I know, poor me. Little did I realize I was running late for my doctor’s appointment at 11:00. I got there in time, however. I checked out fine in my college physical. I guess Olin can let me come now. I need to get my Hepatitis B shots still. They gave me a tourniquet and drew blood. How fun! Afterwards Mother and I picked up Kyle from Driver Ed. He then drove us to Taco Bell and we made him order drive-thru. I got the Nachos BellGrande. Good eatin'. A little later, my good buddy Nate asked if I’d help network the computers he uses with Lifetime Video Productions, his other job besides running his own production outfit. We bought a couple of wires and meanwhile tried to think of a good new name for Real Life Productions, since we might change the name and web address. Nothing conclusive. At home, we didn’t have Internet access, for @Home hadn’t updated our connection for our brand new cable modem yet. Instead we had to do real family-type things such as play the board game Omega Virus, which is very fun. After that I went to eat at IHOP with Kamaria and Josh and Josh’s Kelsey. Too many people have the same name, and I always find it funny when they become “owned” like that for clarity.

Grant Hutchins