Today I went to Jesse’s again, to see A@ron’s play he put on at Occidental. It was (and still is, I guess) entitled “America and Masturbation: A Play About Sex”. It was somewhat awkward watching it with such people as Jesse’s parents and his grandmother, but it was fun nonetheless. Jesse’s grandmother is a psychologist, and has been practicing for well over 60 years now, which I find amazing. After the show I hung out with Jesse and we went with his father, grandmother, and A@ron to Souper! Salad!. I had never eaten at one before. They are very wonderful. You can get so much food for not very many moneys (inside cable auction joke). The only thing that surprised me was that they had much fewer soup options than they did salad ones. We then high-tailed it over to Jon’s. Jesse and I performed an experiment. We both left at the same time from his house and took two different routes to get to Jon’s. I took May, he took the Hefner Parkway. We tied. It didn’t really help Jesse out like he had hoped. Tough luck. Then Jesse, Austin, Jon and I did something that I am sure will shock you all. We ate at the Edmond Whataburger. Yes, yet another Whataburger. What can I say? It’s a great place. Then I went home to sleep, as usual.

Grant Hutchins