Thanks to all the DevOps teams at large media sites. It’s got to be a huge amount of work to handle all the frantic reloading. Here’s to a high cache hit ratio!
Thanks to all the DevOps teams at large media sites. It’s got to be a huge amount of work to handle all the frantic reloading. Here’s to a high cache hit ratio!
Checking out nb, a pretty cool tool for keeping notes on the command line and syncing them between machines.
I’m reading How do the COVID-19 vaccines work? by @fancycomma
Just hit my 1000th test run for pg_search over at Travis CI. Hope it passes! 🤞
Voting! The line at the Holiday Inn in Travis County is short right now. About 10 minutes.
Anytime I read a news article that mentions the “novel coronavirus”, it makes me want to point out that this coronavirus sure isn’t novel anymore! Better to call it SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, or simply “the coronavirus”.
I just released version 2.3.4 of pg_search.
module while
running with a threaded web server, such as Puma. (Anton Rieder)🌮
Always Be Closing (browser tabs) ❌
At Jester King brewery 🍻
Today I imported dozens of posts from past blogs and homepages dating back to 2001.
Check out my From the Archive category to see them.
I enjoyed Jason Snell’s write-up about the Power Mac G5, which was my first Mac back in 2005.
Today I checked my Timehop and I had content from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 19 years ago. It’s amazing that my digital footprint is starting to span multiple decades!
I migrated this blog to hosting today. Definitely not missing managing my WordPress site. It’s the end of over fifteen years of self-hosting my blog. But the rest of my site remains self-hosted for now.
We watched Domain, a fun sci-fi B-movie about a pandemic-ridden society that exclusively communicates over video chat. It’s a fun watch, and I found out about it from this Ars Technica review.
@Chris Aldrich Sort of like a hyper-modern version of purple hyperlinks. It would also be fun to be able to see public likes and mentions from people I follow.
I’ve just updated a couple of my old personal project websites.
Both applications are currently running on Heroku’s free tier. Once I get them modernized enough I may move them to the “Hobby” tier. I also upgraded both from their ancient Cedar-10 stack.
I’m catching up on MacStories’s “iPad at 10” coverage from last month.
I keep coming across mentions of the original argument that the iPad is “just a bigger iPhone”. I always find that argument to be so strange, because the iPhone was a blockbuster category-defining device. I have never thought of the fact that an iPad is similar to a large iPhone as negative in any way. I also appreciate viewpoints like this one focused on accessibility that make it obvious that being like a bigger iPhone is an incredible advantage.
It’s funny how aggressively people in the tech media will dismiss something just because it’s not completely novel.
Anyway, 10 years later, I have finally gotten to the point where I don’t own a laptop and use an iPad for all my mobile computing tasks.
Been having fun the last couple days working on some Rails jobs that download multi-gigabyte gzipped tarballs via SFTP.
It’s been a fun challenge to avoid using a lot of RAM and disk space so that the jobs can easily run on our Heroku workers.
My wife and I have been having fun staying in this weekend and watching season 1 of The Outsider.
I just read Dealing With a Once-In-A-Century Pathogen and I feel like COVID-19 will prove to be very different than anything that’s come before it.
On Super Tuesday, I was surprised to find a new episode of Election Profit Makers in my podcast player. This was my favorite podcast back in 2016. They follow the election by making bets on election outcomes on They also do things like read JavaScript source code live.